Sunday, May 31, 2009

It is done!

The hardest goodbyes have been said... I finished work on Friday, and walked out of Tatum Court for the last time as an employee. I'm sure I'll be visiting some this summer... but as a student and employee, I am officially done.

My coworkers and friends could not have done a better job making the day memorable and as fun as possible. The baby even came up at the end of the day to lighten the mood :). I love you all sooo much and you know I have a second bedroom in Jxn, so you better come recruiting up north! Ha!

I took off for home the following day, and I'm settling in to a routine of no routine. It's the first Sunday night in a long time that I haven't truly dreaded Monday. I do have an eye doctor appt AND dentist appt (ICK! Nicole, hurry up and start/finish dental school!) tomorrow though. If the dentist finds anything, he's gonna do fillings while I'm there hopefully. I may have to go back one more time.

Wednesday I'm getting my hair done - and for those of you who've only known me in college, it may look a little weird... but I'm going back dark (almost natural) since I won't have time to keep it up in med school and I think it looks awful growing out. Oh yeah, I'm chopping it off too...

Then this weekend is the big going-away bash! It's mainly family and family friends, so there won't be any tears there - I know I'll be seeing all those people again it just may be a little while. We may make a visit up to J-town to secure the apartment as well.

It's getting closer... and I'm getting excited. Here we go!


TheMitt said...

Sounds like fun! Enjoy relaxing :-)

Anonymous said...

Exciting !!!!!