Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life in the Arctic..

As I look to my final two weeks at WCU, I can't help but think of all the fun outfits I'll be able to wear and things I'll be able to do when the constant environmental temperature is above 65. Yesterday, we started out at 57.8 degrees and warmed up to slightly above 60. When I got home last night, after my 30 minute drive (in the 90 degree heat, with no air on, mind you) my internal temperature was 96.8. Almost two full degrees below normal. That's pitiful.

Today, I came prepared with an additional sweatshirt and my heating pad. We're sitting in the mid-sixties right now, so it's not as bad as yesterday... but I'm prepared!

I'm also looking forward to getting some extra sleep this summer- something I haven't done in a very long time and probably won't do again for even longer. The anxiety is settling in a little, but so is the excitement.

As far as work goes, awards week is going decent. Monday wasn't bad at all - and after tomorrow, I'm completely done with ceremonies. I actually have a morning AND night tomorrow. I'm feeling a little under the weather and hoping I'm not getting sick - but the office temperature makes me think a cold may be immenent.

And even though I'm not supposed to pre-study, I've made it almost all the way through Lippincott's Biochem and most of Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy. I by no means get it all, but I've understood more than I thought possible... at least it won't all be a foreign language on first day.

Tonight is the Grey's season finale... two hour special! It's pizza night at my house so that all the attention can be on the television. Will Izzie die (possibly)? Will George join the military (I think so)? Will Derek & Meredith (finally) tie the knot (I doubt it)? Will we be left hanging in the way we were when Private Practice reached the end of its season? Ah, the possibilities...


frylime said...

PLEASE enjoy your's truly the last one you will ever be able to take off and not have any real responsibilities. besides, all the knowledge you'll pick up will pale in comparison to the "MC kids"...and believe me, you'll understand what i mean once you get to school...

thanks for all the nice comments, and have a great weekend!