Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I passed my biochem test and owned the histology one :) Yay for first tests being out of the way!

PIG tomorrow. Couldn't be more excited.

Met my cadaver yesterday. She's skinny. Very, very skinny. We also received a box of bones, which I promptly had my lab partner take home. Human bones in my house are just a little creepy at this time.

With all that was going on yesterday, preparing for the tests, I didn't have time to do the reading for Gross... and Gross (this block at least) is going to be an adventure, considering that our lecturer has one of the thickest accents ever. Yay for hours of wasted time sitting there listening, then more hours of coming home and memorizing.

Anyway, I had to share my celebration. Back to the grind! :)


Ewok said...

passing never became such an accomplishment until I went to med school.

Congrats! And don't worry, you'll become extremely desensitized to gross and bones soon enough. I distinctly remember becoming disgruntled one night when I was hungry and had to stop to go eat instead of just eating it in the gross lab while I studied.

tinyletters said...


We always craved the weirest foods in gross. Some went and ate BBQ ribs the day we cracked the chest open and there was always references to steaks and mayonnaise. I had some fatty tumors in my dude that looked identical to scallops. ha ha... Don't worry, like Ewok said, after a while it won't phase ya

OleMissBabyDoc, M.D. said...

Thanks guys :)