Thursday, May 27, 2010

An ice cube in each hand...

So it's been another great week or two in the world of relaxation. Still hard to believe that there's no reason to study, and just now beginning to not feel guilty about that. I haven't updated because, well, honestly, I haven't done much of anything. And that has been heaven!

I did spend a little time with the family post-vacation, and spent the past weekend with M and S (ok, S mainly, we made M find things to do so we could have girl time). Best friends are forever... its awesome how so much time can go by and nothing changes between us. We literally talked so much on Saturday that I was hoarse by bedtime. Good times. Growing up isn't all that bad when you have amazing people walking beside you for all the transitions :)

Also in that light, I had the opportunity to spend some amazing time with a special family member over the first week of break. Caught in the battle for his life, he still astonishes me with his perseverance and faith every day. Little story: he started a new chemo drug a couple weeks ago that is well known to cause cold intolerance. Upon leaving the doctor's office, he returned to work and went directly to the kitchen freezer. He grabbed an ice cube in each hand and held on. To some of you, this might seem silly... even crazy. After all, the doctor had just informed him that he may no longer be able to go to the frozen food section in the grocery store. For him, it was just another moment of strength and faith. Knowing that he wouldn't have the same reaction everyone else did. Knowing that every moment is a gift straight from God. In his hope and strength, I find my own. I cherish the days we have together and the lifetime of memories I look to pass on to my children and grandchildren.

Went home for a few days to make the doctor rounds: eyes, teeth, etc. Doctor appts are much more fun these days. I found myself unable to separate from the med school world during the eye doctor visit as I realized what he was doing with every test. Annoying sometimes, but super cool other times. I also managed to upgrade to an ACTUAL smartphone while I was home. After three years, I sent the Treo to the happy hunting ground. I am now the proud owner of a Droid... and what a difference three years of technology makes! This one walks the dog, takes out the trash, and goes to work for me. (Just kidding. I wish!!).

I've got a few more days before I head back to Jackson to begin the best summer job ever. I'm getting very excited. I couldn't have asked for a better mentor or position, and it's absolutely amazing to watch God's blessings come through in my life on a daily basis. He didn't ever say the journey would be easy, but He promised it would be worth it... and it is. Every single day.

Keep enjoying the free time and living life to the fullest, y'all. And get to your nearest theater for SATC2 today!!!!