Tuesday, July 20, 2010

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

During my last post, I wrote of the excitement of following my own baby for the first time. Due to the complexity of the medical conditions, she survived only a day after admission. I finished my differential dx thoughts at least, and anxiously await chromosome studies to see if I had any of the right ideas.

In the meantime, we had a set of "grower-feeder" twin girls come in and I was assigned both of them! (Hence the one fish, two fish title ;)) It's a lot more conducive to learning because they are acting like typical preemies, so I'm able to figure out the nutrition, respiratory management, etc. I'm learning the art of teeny-tiny physical exams and what to look for each time I see the patients and learning what makes "grower-feeders" tick in general. It's great. In case you guys missed it, I LOVE my job :):)

In other news, my research project is finished, my powerpoint is getting polished, and Dr. K and I have started the next project. I'm grateful for the opportunities I've been given and look forward to staying involved in the newborn medicine department in the coming years :)


July* said...

Finally I came across someone studying medicine! awesome!
I'm still in the progress, way behind you, :p but I feel your passion and it's amazing!
awesome blog btw