"A patient's history is as important as their symptoms. It's what helps us decide if heart burn's a heart attack... if a head ache's a tumor. Sometimes patients will try to re-write their own histories. They'll claim they don't smoke, or forget to mention certain drugs... which in surgery can be the kiss of death. We can ignore it all we want, but our history eventually always comes back to haunt us." - Meredith
Another wonderful week in the world of med school. I can't believe the test block is right around the corner, but shockingly, I feel much more prepared than I thought I would at this point and I'm truly not overly concerned. Kind of ready to get it over with.
The big exciting news of this weekend post is that I've finally found a church I feel "home" at in Jackson... why it took me so long to go, I'll never have any idea. But God was definitely drawing me there yesterday and it was an incredible experience. Very different than any church I've ever been a part of (It's. So. BIG!!), but exactly what I need at this point in my life. We also started up bible study on Wednesday, so I've spent the week getting back to the basics and the things that matter - my relationship with Jesus and His community. It's a lot easier to go through the trials and tribulations of daily living when you're in concert with Him. Even though I've struggled a bit with my humanism this week, it's been revealed to me in multiple ways and through multiple people that He is good, and He has put some amazing people in my life to help me walk this journey :)
So once again, it's kind of a boring "med school" update. I'm ready to get back in the clinical setting, the classroom is for the birds. Which is why I'm sitting at home studying today instead of in the classroom... I'm tired of being a bird. It seems we study better not sitting in class and the stress level is much lower, so I'm slowly becoming one of "those" people. I'll never be a complete non-class-goer, but not being there every class is awesome.
Now, back to breast pathology. Don't forget to do your monthly self breast checks!
I always said I'd never be one of those people that NEVER went to class, but by Nov of M2 year, I was going to required lectures only (along with 3/4 of my class)! Good luck this test block!
Wouldn't be Pinelake would it? I started going there in March, and really like Chip. Just joined in with a new church plant called Grace City Church in northeast Jackson, though, and it's been awesome.
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