Friday, January 29, 2010

New background

I looked at my blog today and noticed the background was still from Christmas... and it's a month after Christmas. So here we go. One of my favorite mottos.. "live, laugh, love".

Got my cardiac physiology test back today and was very happy with the results. I'm not quite as fond of renal phys as I was of cardiac, but perhaps it'll still grow on me.

We had our Deans' breakfast meeting this morning.. that went really well. I really like Dr. J, C, and W - and Dr. W updated us on the vice chancellor search, the current life and times of the M4's (and what to expect), some exciting things that will be happening by the time we get to M3 year, and the STEP. It was nice to get a perspective on "life after pre-clinical years", even though it was at 7 a.m.

After the Deans' breakfast, I decided to skip out on the day's renal phys lecture and head home to study. It was a very productive study day and run day. I ran/speed walked by first 3.5 miler today and actually feel great instead of horrible. Tomorrow's my "off day" (laundry, errands, Mom time) and then I'll hit it again on Sunday. The 5k is coming up two weeks from tomorrow. I still am not sure I'm 100% ready, but I think I can get there in two weeks.

I have many spoken and unspoken prayer requests tonight, but those that I can think of off the top of my head include:
Baby Kate (
All my CB kiddos
The NICU babies
God's guidance and assurance in the lives of those who are searching
Test week for the M2's
Our renal test on Thurs

In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)


Anonymous said...

Fancy background !!! very relaxing to the eyes

Day said...

congrats on the good grade in phys! now this renal test... not so fun.