Saturday, February 13, 2010

5k.. done!

The end of the week was uneventful, except for a HUGE amount of snow we received Thursday night & Friday morning... I've never seen so much snow. Jackson got about 6 inches, it was insane. I loved it... except for the part of M getting "snowed in" and her flight getting canceled to go see the boy :(. Other than that, it was nice. We ended up having "school" canceled, but it was really just a fun day anyway - I'm kind of hoping they reschedule Primary Care Day instead of just canceling it. But last week I went to FMIG's meeting (Forrest General was down talking = networking) and Dr. T was telling us about Summer Day Camp in May. It seems like a really cool way to get some experience with H&Ps, communication, and minimally invasive procedures. I'll be checking that out for sure.

This morning was Rush to Brush. There was a pretty good group of classmates that ran... Of course P placed in the top 3, C and H came in pretty early as well. A, RA, and I were further behind in the pack - but we all did amazingly well (especially considering it was the first one for all three of us). I'm especially proud of A - she's worked her tail off and doing an awesome job of preparing for her upcoming half in Nashville!! Of course I couldn't have done it without the encouragement of my non-racing friends, so thanks to N & M for the "love you's" and "we knew you could's" and RA for being the best running buddy a girl could ask for. I ended up finishing almost ten minutes earlier than my best practice time... and I have no idea how that happened, considering the weather/ice/snowy conditions... but it was amazing and I am HOOKED!

N and I have had a fun weekend. Tomorrow we're going to do some studying and get ready for a new week. Joy joy.

In short, I'll never forget this weekend. One of the best things I've done in my life, and a check off the "bucket list". RA and I are already plotting out for the next one...


Fizzlemed said...

Good for you! This is on my little "list-o'-things-to-do" also. I signed up for one here (midwest) in December, but when it snowed I didn't go! Really, it was just an excuse because I was afraid I'd embarrass myself. Now I'm inspired to try again!

Mel said...

I'm hoping they reschedule Primary Care day too... I would love to actually get to go. And thanks for being there for me this weekend, getting snowed in still sucked, but it sucked a whole lot less when I had you girls to keep me occupied and laughing! I'm so proud of you on your 5k, you did awesome! Maybe me and N will be out there with you eventually. :)

So in short, awesome job on the run, fun weekend... oh, and you totally rock!