Friday, September 23, 2011

Internal Medicine is OVER!

Goodbye, internal medicine. Goodbye, grownups (for now, sort of). You see, next up is psychology... and we'll be dealing with a lot of adults who are stuck in not-so-adult situations or wanting to be kids again... or acting like them.. or something. It should be interesting. I'm kind of just going to pretend like it isn't happening and start counting down... 30 work days of that, and I'm off to peds! For ten weeks... just long enough that I really, really REALLY won't want to go to surgery afterwards.

I LOVED Blue House Medicine. LOVED my attending. LOVED my residents. LOVED my M4, and working with my best friend.

I still would rather do the most unpalatable job you can think of than be an internist.
Yay for ruling out one specialty!