Sunday, April 11, 2010

It was just another week... and then..

Another Monday through Friday. Test grades for Monday came back and the results were: survived. Some days, that's all that matters. Each day came with its own challenges, its own things to study and learn (and I did less of both of those than I should have this week).

As usual, I tried to find a little time this weekend to have fun. Friday night it was in the way of "Bounty Hunter" with N and A and a sleepover at M's. It's always fun when the girls get together to hang out non-school related. Yesterday I came home, studied a bit, then met C and Z after her MCAT at Sal & Mookie's for dinner. She needed some down time, and there's nothing that amazing ice cream and pizza can't fix... even MCAT. I remember those days like it was just yesterday, and it's still something I wouldn't wish on an enemy, much less a friend. I'm sure she did great though :)

It was just another week, and then...

This afternoon, I was informed that a fellow M1, a classmate and friend of mine, had been involved in a serious accident and is currently in the ICU. Suddenly, the things that seemed so important, so life-altering, changed in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it feels like I go through the day to day, dreaming of what tomorrow will bring... always waiting on something to end, waiting on the next "good thing" to start. I realized the magnitude of living in the day, how important it is to enjoy the journey.

Tonight, please join me in praying for L and his family. That His ultimate healing would bring glory to God. That even in this horrific accident, we could find God's grace. That may we could learn to enjoy the journey... even of being a lowly first year medical student... just a little more, complain a little less, and appreciate each day. That tomorrow, when I put my feet on the floor, I'll be determined to take every moment and soak it up as if things were to change the next instant. Because no matter how invincible we may feel on a daily basis, we never know when things may change.

I'm blessed to know that even in these uncertain, stressful, and life-altering times, God is in control of my life, L's, and yours. God bless!


frylime said...
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