Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is why I press on...

Friday in the NICU was like coming home... I realized, after much too long of an absence, that I was indeed back where I belonged. Not only is God doing great things in my life now, He's continuing to prepare the way for me to show His love and blessings to those in need. There's something about watching a 500 gram baby cling to life that leaves me awestruck at His creation everytime. Even on the littlest ones, the sickest ones, those with birth defects or infection - the absolute PERFECTION of His plan is amazing. Tiny fingers, tiny toes, tiny eyelashes. It's every bit perfect. And these angels, whether sent to us for a short time and then called Home or sent here to defy the odds - absolutely make my journey worth it every single day.

In boring, med school related news, Friday's phys test went just fine. Biochem is this Friday. I'm seeking redemption following the metabolism (older med students will recognize this as the "Dr. W & Dr. H test") disaster. I've tried a few new techniques this time... and although I'd jump for joy at a really GOOD grade, passing will make me happy. Biochem is OVER in less than 37 days, praise the Lord!


perplexedatbest said...

Good luck :) You're going to make a great baby doc one day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words.I may post some new pics later on.I have been taking a few pics lately because,it somehow relaxes me.

tinyletters said...

once biochem is over... it's like the all the clouds go away and the sun shines again...until you have to look at it again for the step! Hang in there... a few more weeks and you'll be finished with your toughest semester in med school

R said...

Biochem is the medical world's devil. HemeOncDoc is right, once biochem and gross are over, med school won't feel so much like torture anymore!