Friday, August 8, 2014

Catching Up... A year in the life..

It's hard to know where to start this post after an entire year of residency. I sat down to blog a few times and came up empty handed. There was always so much to say that couldn't be said and so much I couldn't figure out how to get in text... but I figure one day, I'll be interested in how I felt my first year and since those memories will dull with time, I should probably get them down.

In a nutshell: WOW. God amazed me every. single. day. I learned more than I ever thought possible and still feel like I'm just scraping the surface. This kid-doctor thing isn't for sissies. There's a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and heartache - a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of losses, and a few wins that make it all worth it.

In general, intern year wasn't that bad. It's exhausting in a new way of exhaustion (even though you got to go home after 16 hours on call and didn't spend the night). I really started to enjoy my own clinic. I stayed in love with the NICU and fell in love with more than a few snotty-nosed, tear stained faces.

July 1 was a bit of a rude awakening because I started this year in the PICU. Once again, WOW. Almost unexplainable the changes that place will put forth in your heart, your practice, and your life. I'm finally recovering from the Q4 call (no longer limited to 16 hours... welcome to "big girl residency") and glad to have that month behind me.

This post was boring, I can assure you my last year has been nothing but. The secret parts of patient's lives that you are privy to and trusted with forever change who you are and how you practice. And occasionally, you realize you made a difference.

And that is worth everything.