Friday, May 7, 2010

Five more days of M1 year...

And here we have it. The final "study weekend" of M1 year. Just like any other grand study weekend, it started off with a good meal with the girls and lots of giggles. We've all grown so much these year - as professionals, people, and friends. It's amazing to look back at the trials and tribulations and how far we've come. There's still so far to go, much road to travel.. but we're there. At the end of the beginning of the journey.

This was a pretty good week. I made a point to really go to class and enjoy learning, soaking up every moment possible. Another good thing that happened this week? L came back to class! He's doing great!!

Thursday was incredible. It was a super long day, but I got to hang out in the NICU from 10-1 with Dr. K and meet a lot of the residents and NNP's that'll be around this summer. She handed me over a resident notebook and sent a very happy M1.9ish out the door for ALMOST vacation. I actually got to put my hands on some patients, feel some trills, help change a dressing... Little things, but in the midst of M1 world, amazing. I can't wait for June 7th.

Next week we have three days of class and two additional days of tests - there are five tests sprinkled throughout Wednesday through Friday. Wednesday we have class, then the Psych final, then class again. Way to piss those of us who SOMEWHAT still liked Psych off, guys. Way to go. A final sandwiched between two neuro classes? Awesome.

Next week WILL end. Vacation will come. As thus will begin the best - and last - summer of my life. Welcome to the real world... someone else is looking up to me now. I have an M1 buddy!!!

Hang in there, guys! It's almost over!!!


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!!!!!