Friday, May 14, 2010

...Done, finished, complete....

This year, I fought a beast. Or two. Or three. Okay, Okay, 37 weeks worth. It was hard, but it was worth it.

As of 1:15 this afternoon, I'm an M2. It hasn't sunk in. At all. I keep thinking it's a dream and I'll wake up Monday morning and have to go back....

Instead, I'll be waking up Monday morning (or Monday afternoon) on the beach. Hello, summer. How I've longed for you... and how much fun is going to be had.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do first (OK - first I'm going to the M1-transitiontoM2 party), but it sure as heck won't involve studying. My brain is screaming "Freedom"!


Mel said...


This is going to be the most epic summer ever. I can't wait. Yay for being M2s!!! :D