Friday, March 12, 2010

Vacation is what we take when we can no longer take what we've been taking...

We have reached the end of physiology. It culminated in a week of test hell - Monday was respiratory, Wednesday was the cumulative class final (40 pages - I'm pretty sure several forests were killed in the making of that test) and this morning the NBME exam. The saturation point has been reached, and I'm pretty sure that if we'd had one more I may not have even shown up. Oh yes, it was that bad.

Funny thing about med school - from day to day, it seems like we're dragging, like we're never getting anywhere. And then you turn around and M1 year is almost gone. I stand in awe at the work God has created in me and around me this year, thanking Him for the amazing people He's put in my life along the way to make things just a little bit easier... and thanking Him for his grace. Grace enough for one day at the time. To somehow be able to look back and say "we did it". No matter what the grades are at the end of the week, the month, the year - we survived. And in the midst of it all, maybe even grew.

Spring break plans? Almost non existent. Lots of visiting with friends and family, catching up, getting the taxes done before I don't get financial aid next year, and getting a haircut. I plan on sleeping a lot and eating a lot more, living in the moment, and soaking up every hour I'm given.
.....however, I'm kind of ill that we're "given" one hour less than we should be due to Daylight Savings Time. Of COURSE we'd have spring break the one week that you lose an hour *roll eyes*.

I'll spend the next week preparing myself mentally for the last 8 weeks. I hope everyone thoroughly enjoys their breaks!