Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Enjoy the time you have before the news comes...

"They say ignorance is bliss because once you know about the tumor or the prognosis, you can’t go back. Will you be strong or will you fall apart? It’s hard to predict so don’t worry about it. Enjoy the time you have before the news comes. Yep, ignorance is bliss."

Tomorrow surgery comes to an end - and with it, the formal part of my medical school training. I've got a research month left in April, but that's more "looking toward residency/fellowship" than finishing up med school requirements. In a way, med school is over in 21 hours.

I think I have PTSD, or I've sniffed too much anesthesia gas second-hand this month. I'm already forgetting all the terrible stuff and just super excited to be at this point. So even though I'm nervous/slightly anxious about what March 15 will bring, I'm bright eyed and ready for whatever it is.

In the meantime, I'll embrace the fact that the fellow thinks I have a little "inner surgeon" and let my "inner pediatrician" that is exhausted come back out. 3:30 is not the appropriate time to get out of bed. I'm really glad my specialty choice defends this ;)